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I thought I'd post this before it gets killed by the next Format (of course assuming the TCG will use the same ban list as the OCG)


Extra Deck: 6


3x Evil Hero Dark Gaia

3x Evil Hero Malicious Fiend


Monsters: 19


3x Masked Beast Des Gardius

3x Valkyrion the Magna Warrior

1x Dark Magician of Chaos

3x Evil Hero Malicious Edge

3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Granmarg the Rock Monarch

3x Evil Hero Infernal Gainer


Spells: 20


3x Reasoning

3x Monster Gate

3x Trade-In

3x Dark Fusion

3x Dark Calling

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

2x Lightning Vortex

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: 1


1x Torrential Tribute

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My last Dark Gaia build had too many inconsistencies because I ran 9 Nomi's at first then I retried it but it wasnt any better but with this build, I reckon it will work. Unlike most other Dark Gaia decks, I dont use Raviel or Dreadroot because if I draw them they're pretty much useless unless I have Dark Fusion or Dark Calling to use. Thats why I'm using Masked Beast es Gardius instead as it still has pretty high ATK and can still be used as Trade-In food so if I draw it, it isnt necessarily a Dead Draw. I previously utilised Dark Calling by itself but I hardly drew it when I really needed it even though Infernal Gainer can still assist the OTK by giving Dark Gaia a second attack. This time I decided to utilise both Dark Calling and Dark Fusion as I can play one after the other and have two powerhouses with equal high ATK and a better and more consistent OTK result.

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