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Soul Calibur SoulEdge Unleashed.


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This is a story about the Mysterious sword called Soul Edge, people want to destroy it, but other want power from it.Two fell victim to this Cursed Sword Who will be next?

This warrior is out on a quest to find people to help him.


Which side are you on?






Evil or Good:


Name:Aashar Akram


Weapon:Samurai Sword

Bio:Misturugi's son.

Power:Stop time for 5 Mintues.

Evil or good?:Good

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I guess I'll join.


Name: Rokujo Mokuro

Age: 15

Weapon: Sword of Judgement/Execution

Bio: Has a split personality. When he goes to his bad personality, his Sword will turn into Sword of Execution. When he is in his good personality, his Sword is the Sword of Judgement.

Evil or Good: Good, both of his personalities will be good also.


Sword of Judgement



Sword of Execution

1110177039195_bk835.jpg(Blade is black)


Is it good?

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Name:Cameron J. Valentine

Age: 16

Weapon: Valentine Aka Ivys swordvalentineey9.jpg

Bio: Cameron is a decendent of Ivy who recently passed away. alone in the world cameron had set of to find the sword and use it to make her spirit proud

Pesonality: Shy, dislikes to start a fight but will fight with no mercy

Power: Power Cancel (Negates others powers)

Evil or Good: Evil

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Well thats cool your in we could start now.


Soul Edge the Cursed Sword where Aashar has searched but people have there own reasons and now Aashar went to Go and destroy soul Edge once and For all.


Aashar:Soul Edge killed my father and destroyed my life I'm on a Quest to destroy It I'll destroy any evil that get's in my way.

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Cameron walked out of Ivy,s mansion and looked over the horizan. Before his mother deid ivy had spoken about a sword called the soul edge. she would tell him storeis of how it was the greatest sword in existants. She had once possesed the sword but it she was killed for it and the sword was stolen by the rightfull owner, Inferno. "I will bury you with your prizzed posation." he said running towards the direction of the sun. "and i cant be stoped."

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