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Aashar was walking home from school when he saw something Terrible while he was 7. and


Aashar: What is going on?


Aashar looks and his house was destroyed with his family.


Aashar:Nooooooooooo!!! *Cries* that was my family, who could do this?


Aashar:When I find who did this I'll kill him.


He cries and was angry screamed and turned super sayian.


Aashar:What is this power.Mother,father I'll avenge you.


Aashar walks away.

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The rubble of the immense explosion began to quake, and Lizon's hand punched through the rubble. "That's enough!" The rubble disperesed, and Lizon stood. His Saiyan powers revealed, he knew this was an enemy like no other. "ok. You wanted a fight, now you've got one."


Lizon watched the crazed man's power grow, and began to increase his own.

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Lizon surrounded himself in an enrgetic sheild, bouncing the man back several feet. "And I'll KILL you!" A flash of light, and Lizon used Instant Transmission. He grabbed the man, and launched him into the air, bombarding him with a Super Kamehameha Wave.

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