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Reptile Lycan


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Monsters, Level 5 or above: 3

3x Lycan


Monsters, Level 4 or lower: 15

3x Alien Shocktrooper

3x Gagagigo

3x Toon Alligator

3x Venom Cobra

3x Worm Drake


Spells: 17

1x ARA

2x Earth Chant

3x HotU

2x MSE

1x MR

1x Prem

2x Ritual Weapon (Might drop for WNRs or other negation traps)

3x Snake Rain

2x Synthesis Spell


Traps: 5

1x Mirror Force

3x Roar

1x TT


Main object of course is to summon Lycan and swing for game. Snake Rain and ARA dumps monsters into the Grave, HotU provides a draw engine. I feel that I need more traps, however.


Also, this deck is built on DMU, but includes no Anime-only or OCG-only cards. And I intend it to stay that way.


Comment/rate/fix, obviously.

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