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Gladiator beast's for September 1'st


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Monsters 18


Breaker the magical warrior x1

Card trooper x1

GB darius x2

GB equeste x2

GB laquari x2

GB murmillo x1

GB bestiari x2

Test tiger x3

Prisma x3

Sangan x1


Spells 10


Monster reborn x1

Cold wave x2


Book of moon x2

Gladiators proving ground x2

Storm x1


Traps 12


Waboku x3

Solemn x3

War chariot x3

TT x1

Limit reverse x1

Dustshoot x1


Fusions 4


GB gyzarus x3

GB heraklinos x1 (should have in about 6 months)



i still need:


3 war chariot

1 gyzarus

2 prisma

1 test tiger

1 card trooper

1 cold wave

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Fusions?? I dont think you need Cold Wave anymore as War Chariot exists. War Chariot + Heraklinos = Almost guaranteed win. You also need RotA's or Emergency Calls (doesnt matter which one as long as it can search Prisma) to search Prisma out.


i need cold waves to garuntee my herak gets out in one peice

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If thats the case, then why not drop 2 Solemns or something. Something to search out Prisma will help a lot. It will increase your chances of summoning Gyzarus in your first turn. You can also use it to dump a Laquari if you have a few GBs on your side of the field for an easier Heraklinos summoning. If you have Heraklinos on your side of the field as well as War Chariot, you have pretty much won the game. The only thing that would mess you up are Counter Traps as Heraklinos cant negate Counter Traps (Divine Wrath or War Chariot in mirror matches).

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I just looked at the deck again. Why are Limit Reverse and Trap Dustshoot in here. I dont think they need to be in here. Drop them for 2 Emergency Calls / 2 RotA.


Like CCV' date=' Dust Shoot wins games. The ability to predict every move based on the first turn, and Removing a monster from the equation is Gawd like. Limit reverse can get numerous GB and support, and preme is banned (supposedly in September first. Its not actually a bad bet.)


If anything, Id suggest siding the Breaker, simply because you destroy so much already in a GB deck, that leaving a 1600 monster in atk mode is bait against any other glad beast deck. Side it against Oppression decks. All of this [b']IMO[/b]

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