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.:Seth:. Splatter Sig Shop


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can i have mine PMed to me and i changed how much im willing to pay see

Size: [Normal is 330*110] 330 by 110

Text: [No more than 2 or three words please] Kyroid Rocks

Render: [Must provide' date= must be a render]


Pay?: 30 to 35 points plus a couple plus reps depening on how good it is


can i have a machting avatar

i need my sig and matching avatar by Monday plz

and can you plz PM it to me Thx

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OK, 1 sig, two versions please.



Size: Whatever you feel like, but it's going to be in a competition for my site logo. (I'm getting a load of people to try, and then post a thread on it, giving credit to the respective artists of course)

Text: Pokemon Ex

Render: Do I have to provide, eh? Well, Mew or Mewtwo, use a better one if you have: http://guidesarchive.ign.com/guides/12045/images/mew.gif

Pay?: Whatever I have when you're done lol.



Size: Whatever you feel like, but it's going to be in a competition for my site logo. (I'm getting a load of people to try, and then post a thread on it, giving credit to the respective artists of course)

Text: Pokemon Ex Forums

Render: Do I have to provide, eh? Well, Mew or Mewtwo, use a better one if you have: http://guidesarchive.ign.com/guides/12045/images/mew.gif

Pay?: Whatever I have when you're done lol.

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