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updated strike ninja


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1x cyber dragon

3x strike ninja

3x dd scout plane

3x ciuas

3x dark grephier

2x armageddon knight

1x sangan

2x newdoria

1x kycoo the ghost destroyer

1x The end of anubis

1x tree born frog

1x spirit reaper

1x Neo-spacian grand mole

3x mystic tomato



1x reinforcement of the army

1x brain control

1x enemy controller

1x mst

1x heavy storm

1x monster reborn

2x allure of darkness

2x creature swap




1x torrential tribute

1x mirror force

3x dark illusion



extra deck

1x gaia the force of earth

1x colossal fighter


fixes only

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why i have airknight is its not bad and plus with all the decks that run solem his trample is good and the third jinzo makes the deck more of a annoyance


There are better choices than Airknight. If you want to punish players for using Solemn, run Ceasefire. Triple Jinzo is overkill. Controllers allow you to make more defensive/offensive plays as well as allowing to attack over any big threat. Return from the Different Dimension would be nice, as well as Snipe Hunter.

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i realize 3 is over kill my deck use creature swap for offensive plays scout planes and treeborn will provide defense for me mole will also help get rid of big monsters and return isn't all that great cuz most of the time i'll be removing scout planes or monsters i don't want back sniped not so good becouse this deck already has enough to wry about as far as hand disavantage though i may neg the 3 rd jinzo i'll have to play test first and see o and airknight helps agains reaper and marshy to

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i realize 3 is over kill my deck use creature swap for offensive plays scout planes and treeborn will provide defense for me mole will also help get rid of big monsters and return isn't all that great cuz most of the time i'll be removing scout planes or monsters i don't want back sniped not so good becouse this deck already has enough to wry about as far as hand disavantage though i may neg the 3 rd jinzo i'll have to play test first and see o and airknight helps agains reaper and marshy to


Controllers makes defensive plays on your opponents turn and are chainable, and the offensive capabilites are better. Plus it works well with Creature Swap. It kills Spirit Reaper and can turn marshmallon up or you can gain control of Marsh and tribute it. By using return, you can remove any darks and possible set up an OTK. Snipe rids your hand of dead/useless cards as well as clearing the back row, which is important in making game changing plays.

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  • 4 months later...

i'll make this simple for every one the only two cards that would make this deck better is dmoc and allur but i don't have etheir


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