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Total Drama Island Club Part 2

Astro Dude

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I love ep.13!

"Katie: Wow. One of the two Phighting Phoenixes left. At least I lasted longer than other blubbery girls who shall remain nameless. FYI, I’m not talking about Leshawna"

LOL x1000000

You're doing a great job pt018!

Suggestion though: A lot of girls/woman may be offended by all of the 'chest' talk, so you might want to hold back a little on that!

Over all, it's excellent.

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TGPharaoh, I think she's talking about which girl spots are left. And sure, she can do the synopsis of episode 24.


Speaking of which, it's my turn.


Today’s episode begins the day after the horror movie challenge. Owen wanted to give Izzy some fresh wildflowers as an apology for what he did to her but Izzy refused. After that, Owen was caught in a trap and after that, all the campers were trapped. Then Chris arrives and lets the campers out. In the mess hall he explains that the next challenge is to hunt wild game. After that, the campers went to the confession booth and tell them about how proud they are for making it this far. They meet at the bait house. Chris has the campers pick an animal from a hat.


Gwen: Duck.

Duncan: Raccoon.

Izzy: Deer.

Owen: Chipmunk.

Leshawna: Frog.

Geoff: Beaver.

Heather (much to her dismay): Bear.


Chris explained that the winner will not only receive invincibility but they get high-quality cuisine of their choice. Heather was her rude and bossy self and she didn’t want anything to do with the competition. Chris then explained that the loser would have to clean the communal washrooms. Heather had no choice but to participate in it. The campers had a few minutes to gather everything they need, everyone but Heather. After a while they were off. Izzy was on the rampage with her tranquilizer gun. Gwen was trying to catch a duck that was almost part road-runner. (You figured rabbit would be a part of the game list but you’d be wrong, then again, you might not have seen the Bugs Bunny cartoon where he was insulted that rabbits only had a two cent bounty.) Duncan thought he would have an easy time with his hunt but then a bunch of raccoons joined together and formed a giant robot. Duncan then said “That’s more than meets the eye.” (If they thought of adding a Duncan face to Izzy face flip like that seen in “Transformers” [which “More than meets the eye” was the slogan], with matching music, that would’ve been perfect. Then again, that is my opinion). Leshawna was trying to catch a frog and Heather ran away from the bear. After a while, Gwen caught her animal first so she won the challenge. Duncan was second so he and Heather decided to form a temporary alliance. Geoff was next, then Leshawna. Gwen was about to enjoy her high-class meal when who would show up but Owen and his chipmunk, who ruined it. During that time, Izzy shot Heather in the butt with a tranquilizer dart. (If you didn’t find that funny there is something wrong with you). That night at the bonfire ceremony Heather was in a state of total paralysis. Chris gave marshmallows to Duncan, Owen, Geoff, Heather and Leshawna. It was down to Gwen and Izzy. Heather just wanted Izzy outta there so Chris gave the last marshmallow to Gwen and Izzy was eliminated. Owen offered to make out with Izzy before she left (hint hint). Izzy then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Since Heather lost, she had to clean the communal washrooms, but she had Duncan do it for her, in her condition. Duncan had to clean it with a toothbrush and we are left with that.


Now, the name of the new game is “Total Island Trapper”. In this game you have to round up animals with your mouse. The more Animals you round up the more points you earn. Simple huh?

And emskull, which of the remaining girl campers do you want to be?:


Beth, Leshawna, Katie or Courtney.

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