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arcana force mixed with fiends check it out

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thease cards i have in real life



Arcana force 0- the fool x2

arcana force I- the magician

arcana force III- the empress

arcana force IV- the emperor x2

arcana force VI- the lovers x3

arcana force VII- the chariot x2

arcana force XIV - temparence

arcana force XVIII - the moon

silva, warlord of dark world

beige, vangguard of dark world

zure ,knight of dark world x3

scar, scout of dark world

broww, huntsman of dark world

Raviel ,Lord of phantasms

resheff the dark being




light barrior

cup of ace x3

mystical cards of light x 2

malevolent nuzzler

field barrior

giant trunade

ritual forgone



reversal of fate x3

arcana calling x2

magic jammer

ultimate offering

tower of bable (good trap)


thats my real deck havent lost one time with it hope you like it

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