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toons for fun


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1x cyber dragons

3x toon gemini elf

3x toon goblin attack force

3x toon cannon soldier

3x toon masked soccerer

3x toon dark magician girl

1x sangan

2x cyber valley



3x toon table of contents

3x vengful bog spirit

3x toon world

1x mst

1x heavy storm

1x monster reborn

3x shrinks




1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute

3x bottomless traphole

2x pwwb


this deck is for fun i would like suggestions and fixes and please tell why

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Take out a toon world because you have the table of content to search for them when it's needed. I'd suggest to take out the bog spirit for 3 threatning roars. Shrink works well with toon gemini elf but 3 seems too much maybe swap 1 or 2 for some enemy controllers. I was playing giant trunade in the past with toons i don't know if it still works well but it was better than mst to go for the kill since you can attack directly with toons. Strangely sangan seems kinda pointless in there. And maybe try swords of revealing light.



-1 sangan

-3 bog spirit

-1 toon world

-1 shrink


+1 SoRL

+1 controller

+3 threatning roar


and this brings you to 40

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Ditch Toon DMG - being overdependent on Toon World is enough to axe it.


Remove Vengeful Bog Spirit and stack up on Rush Recklessly.










... meh. I'll just post my friend's decklist. As modified by the (rumored) banlist.


Monsters: 18

3 Toon Goblin Attack Force

3 Toon Gemini Elf

3 Mystic Tomato

2 Newdoria

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Toon Masked Sorcerer

1 Toon Cannon Soldier

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Morphing Jar

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Sangan


Spells: 16

3 Toon Table of Contents

3 Hammer Shot

3 Shrink

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Toon World

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Smashing Ground

1 Monster Reborn


Traps: 6

3 Dark Bribe

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

1 Ojama Trio

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