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new fairy contest


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It doesnt say anything about a new card Silencer....

But if I do have to create a new one....count me out.


(I've kinda quit' date=' just can't be bothered making anymore...)



Cane said to make new cards (pm'ed me)

So it's a new one or you're out. :?

In that case.....I'm out.

Good luck everyone else.


(BTW others are also using old cards....I think.)


They are -_-' I know.



Here my entry' date='from my Fairy Collection[/color']:




Disclaimer: The pic in the card are not my art


We asked for new cards >_<


here is my entry:



OCG Errors and you forgot a period >__<

do i have to?


Unless you don't want to win...that's up to you...

posted my card' date=' check earlier post



Well...there is a minor fault in it...but good...

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 Level 4 or lower Fairy-Type monsters on your field. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy one card on your opponent’s field. This card gains attack equal to the level of the monsters removed from play x100.

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A little over powered (-.-') And End your card has too many choices' date=' lower it down to 4 or lower.



i like keeping my options open :D

The names people...get better names >_<

Angel of Light...please...be more creative >_<



my name is creative enough or no?

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