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Dark Armed... Gaia? (DeeEhmYou)


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Monsters, Level 5 or higher: 9


3x DaD

3x Raviel

3x Valkyrion


Monsters, level 4 or lower: 3


3x Dark Hex-Sealed


Spells: 21

2x Allure

2x Burial from D.D.

3x Dark Calling

2x Foolish (might drop)

2x MSE

3x Perforation of Miracles

1x Quick Attack

3x Reasoning

3x Shrink


Traps: 7

3x Solemn

3x Roar

1x Torrential


Extra Deck:

3x Dark Gaia

3x Malicious Devil



[spoiler=Xander Clause]


Perforation of Miracles

Normal Spell Card

Select 1 Rock-Type Monster from your Deck and send it to the Graveyard. Your Deck is then Shuffled. Draw 1 Card from your Deck.


Quick Attack

Normal Spell Card

Activate 1 of the following effects:

- Draw 1 card from your Deck.

- 1 Level 4 or lower monster you control can attack on the first turn of a Duel.




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