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Rev it up! (wtf)

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There's a dubb out?


yeah, there was a thread about a week ago with a link to it...


Rev it up was the last straw... they have officially over-mutilated it to the point of no recognition...


watch Yusei not even be the cool, composed character, but be more like Jaden. :(


this is going to be the worst thing they have done to the series. and the 'Pick the Theme Song, Kids!" just is stupid...

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Tell you one thing right now. If I worked for 4Kids I would demand that the females have bigger Bewbies :P I don't really work for them of course lol.

yay thank god...but didn't gx girls had big Bewbies O.o? or bigger than that O.O

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Wow' date=' I didn't know the dub was out, but did 4Kids Screw up 5D's? It would be no surprise if they did.


But, I'll get the deck, because I love new cards.


From the very moment they chose to dub 5d's,it was already ruined

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that's it' date=' i've had it with these m************ dubbers on that m************ station.


Now lets all form an angry mob *graps a pitchfork and torch*



I agree! *Grabs a whole lot of weapons* Instead, I'm going Naruto on them! This is what they get for dubbing the Japanese Anime!

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^Not true. J-Max used to totally enjoy the Dub' date=' and it was during then that he came up with "Rev It Up!". Coincidence?



I think not.


but maybe we shouldn't be going after 4kids, maybe we should go after J-Max because he mention Rev it up first.


i'm gonna get you J-Max *graps a pitchfork and runs toward where J-Max lives*

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