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Viral Infection Contest!


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Well, we all know that points and reps are pretty much worthless. They don't really mean anything or give you anything so in all honesty, Screw the points!


First, the rules:


No spam. No breaking the rules. Don't steal artwork. and most importantly:




Now that we have that over with, All your cards must be created on the similar theme of the "Virus" trap cards released so far. They can be different virus cards or even virus support. I want a 1 card maximum. That's right, only 1 card. Remember that last rule about no whining? That's what I'm talking about.


The contest ends on the 21st of this month. Prizes are as follows:


1st: Exclusive use of a card art made by your truly, and 2 rep.

2nd: 2 rep.

3rd: 1 rep.

last: A demotivational poster.

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To highlight on some of the questions...


You need not make the art yourself, but you need to give credit to the original owner of the artwork. Add a link to the original source image and post a disclaimer if you yourself have not made the card.


Other information, The Virus cards are those similar to Crush Card Virus, Deck Devastation Virus, Tribe infecting Virus, Deck Destruction Virus, Virus Cannon, Eradicator Epidemic Virus, and the like.


Please post only 1 card, the only exception is Ritual Monsters and the required Ritual spell needed to summon them.

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Er.. Dr.23' date=' there already is a Deck Destruction Virus...


actualy there isnt! deck devastation, eradicator epidimic, and crush card!

actually there is. its called yugioh.wikia


Ima go ahead and throw mine in here:




this is not my artwork, it was searched from deviant art. all credit goes

to original artist.link:



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Er.. Dr.23' date=' there already is a Deck Destruction Virus...


actualy there isnt! deck devastation, eradicator epidimic, and crush card!

actually there is. its called yugioh.wikia


Ima go ahead and throw mine in here:



oh! i didnt know about that but it says anime only but should i still change its name or am i disqualified?

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Er.. Dr.23' date=' there already is a Deck Destruction Virus...


actualy there isnt! deck devastation, eradicator epidimic, and crush card!

actually there is. its called yugioh.wikia


Ima go ahead and throw mine in here:



oh! i didnt know about that but it says anime only but should i still change its name or am i disqualified?

I'd recomend you change it, for convienience.

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Er.. Dr.23' date=' there already is a Deck Destruction Virus...


actualy there isnt! deck devastation, eradicator epidimic, and crush card!

actually there is. its called yugioh.wikia


This may be a card, but it's not a real card. It's only seen in the Pyramid of Light. Either way, that card up there can't be used I'd say.

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