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cards of my family


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These are cards based on my family, please rate 122983jh1.jpg this is me, geoffrey. 122983lj5.jpgthis is my father dan. 122983cj0.jpg this is my mom tara. 122983yi0.jpg this is danny, my mom's boyfriend. 122983ky5.jpg this is jenn' my dad's girlfriend and vinni and ryan's mom. 122983kx8.jpg this is my bro vinni, he is ryan's identical twin. 122983bp2.jpg this is my other bro ryan, he is vinni's identical twin. 122983ks1.jpg when vinni and ryan join forces they pwn everything in their path! please rate!

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LOl a bit bad OCG

those are joke cards i think lolz

:P:lol: WTF tara kessner' date=' fairy?! ... lol


[/quote'] Nope these cards are serious, also tara is fairy insted of warrior, because she is my mom and I wanted to give her something she would like.


serious cards?

ok then 1/10


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