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new card show fang the god of water


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First of all, your OCG is off. It should be:


Increase the ATK of this card by 500 for each face-up WATER monster on the field.


The name is also off. It needs to be:


Shou Fang the God of Water (as mentioned by H0micadal Wolfman)


It is overpowered for its Level. Either reduce the ATK bonus or lower the stats. Here are my suggestions:


1) Reduce the bonus to 300 per WATER monster

2) Reduce the ATK to 2300 and DEF to 2700 or so.


This cards needs BALANCE. I fixed your OCG. Image is okay. Effect is basic and overpowering. Stats are too high. Meh...


5/10. Not bad, but not great. :?

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