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Batman: The Dark Knight Cards (Updated)


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Just some cards i threw together please rate and constructive criticism is appriciated batmanthedarkknightimagut0.jpgjoker460jpgset1dkmpset2th8.jpg feel free to post card ideas also, i might make them (oh who am i kidding you are able make your own on the site)


By the way the "dkmp-0001" means Dark Knight Movie Pack Card 1



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Okay, Batman's up first. The name is fine, but I would prefer to actually call him Batman, posibly 'Batman the dark knight' or something. Letting him be DARK is fine too but you shouldn't make him a 'hero'. 'Hero' is obviously a type you've made up, and though that's not horribel, you should use one of the types that already exists, or ells there will be no suport cards. May I sugest Warrior? Also, don't give him 8 stars. I know Batman is awesome but 8 stars is a lot, you have to tribute 2 mosnters to normal summon him. Also give him an effect, a normal monser without suport cards is only boring. About Batman's ATK, pleas don't let it end with 50, it's anoying to count. As for the picture, I like it, but the original pic wasen't a square so it was re-sized wich isn't good, you could cut of parts from the picture to make it more square shaped.


Aboutt he Joker, and for the same reason as with Batman, don't make him 'evil', use a type that exists, Feind perhaps? And may I ask why the Joker has 8 stars like Batman and the same DEF and even higher ATK? What is that? The joker is not a fighter, are you serisouly sayign he is stronger than Batman? You think he'd stand a remote chance against Batman in hand to hand combat? Batman would beat him with his bare hands even if the Joker had a gun. And the effect is wierd too, why would the Joker get weaker int he presence of Batman? Is it fear? Then why is it only the Joker who's ATK is decreased? Batman is not the Jokers weakness, it's onyl that Batman is the only one good enougth tho catch the joker.


You made almost every wrong in the book. So my rating would be 1/10.


Here's an example of what my Batman card's were like:


As you see, my verison of Batman is a Warrior, this means I can boost him with Warrior cards.

My card only has 6 starts wich means he requiers one less tribute. He has less stars than your version, but still he doesn't look weaker, and you know why? Becaus I cut my picture to fit and that makes my card look better and the fact that mine only has 50 ATK less than yours.

You may think that my card is unbalanced, but then you should notice the effect. As you probably see, the effect is negative to compensate for the fact that he has high ATK and low cost. This means he can be kick-ass and yet balanced. Also, the effect is that the mosnters are not sent to the gravetyard makes sence becaus Batman choses not to kill his enemys.


And here's my vesion of the Joker.


The first difference you may notice, besides the picture, is that this one only has 4 stars. Wich is also makes more sence becaus the Joker isn't a fighter and he isn't super strong. I did give him a high ATK for is level though, becaus he does usaly use a gun.(Not based on the movie) Now, this card isn't a great card for fighting(as I said, the joker isn't a fighter) but it's still a good card becaus you can add a trap from your deck to your hand, wich is an icredibly good effect, it may even be overpowerd, wich I'm currently thinking about fixing.


I've also made suport cards for both of them.


Was that enought constructive criticism for you?

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Okay' date=' Batman's up first. The name is fine, but I would prefer to actually call him Batman, posibly 'Batman the dark knight' or something. Letting him be DARK is fine too but you shouldn't make him a 'hero'. 'Hero' is obviously a type you've made up, and though that's not horribel, you should use one of the types that already exists, or ells there will be no suport cards. May I sugest Warrior? Also, don't give him 8 stars. I know Batman is awesome but 8 stars is a lot, you have to tribute 2 mosnters to normal summon him. Also give him an effect, a normal monser without suport cards is only boring. About Batman's ATK, pleas don't let it end with 50, it's anoying to count. As for the picture, I like it, but the original pic wasen't a square so it was re-sized wich isn't good, you could cut of parts from the picture to make it more square shaped.


Aboutt he Joker, and for the same reason as with Batman, don't make him 'evil', use a type that exists, Feind perhaps? And may I ask why the Joker has 8 stars like Batman and the same DEF and even higher ATK? What is that? The joker is not a fighter, are you serisouly sayign he is stronger than Batman? You think he'd stand a remote chance against Batman in hand to hand combat? Batman would beat him with his bare hands even if the Joker had a gun. And the effect is wierd too, why would the Joker get weaker int he presence of Batman? Is it fear? Then why is it only the Joker who's ATK is decreased? Batman is not the Jokers weakness, it's onyl that Batman is the only one good enougth tho catch the joker.


You made almost every wrong in the book. So my rating would be 1/10.


Here's an example of what my Batman card's were like:


As you see, my verison of Batman is a Warrior, this means I can boost him with Warrior cards.

My card only has 6 starts wich means he requiers one less tribute. He has less stars than your version, but still he doesn't look weaker, and you know why? Becaus I cut my picture to fit and that makes my card look better and the fact that mine only has 50 ATK less than yours.

You may think that my card is unbalanced, but then you should notice the effect. As you probably see, the effect is negative to compensate for the fact that he has high ATK and low cost. This means he can be kick-ass and yet balanced. Also, the effect is that the mosnters are not sent to the gravetyard makes sence becaus Batman choses not to kill his enemys.


And here's my vesion of the Joker.


The first difference you may notice, besides the picture, is that this one only has 4 stars. Wich is also makes more sence becaus the Joker isn't a fighter and he isn't super strong. I did give him a high ATK for is level though, becaus he does usaly use a gun.(Not based on the movie) Now, this card isn't a great card for fighting(as I said, the joker isn't a fighter) but it's still a good card becaus you can add a trap from your deck to your hand, wich is an icredibly good effect, it may even be overpowerd, wich I'm currently thinking about fixing.


I've also made suport cards for both of them.


Was that enought constructive criticism for you?


Yes, thank you. That will help me make my cards better. Also, i based my cards off the movie and i made the joker more powerful because of the effect i gave him, which is broken i know.

Those were my first shot at custom made cards and i personally think i did alright, i'm not saying my cards are the best, i know they aren't. I'm going to remake them anyway. Also, you mis-spelled "Field" on the Joker

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EH there GREAT!!! do you like one of mine




Emm' date=' no I don't.

It doesn't make sence.

The card type is Hokega... WTF is a Hokega? It's not one of the used types and the word dosen't even exist. And to make a level 10 monster witout effect is just madness. and why is his attack x000? How am I suposed to know his ATK if it's hidden by a variabel?[hr']

ok people do not post your own cards in other people's topics.


He asked for constructive crittisims, I just shoed him what couldb e imporved. I dunno what the outher guy is doing though.

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