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Red Bird, Blue Bird, and Yellow Bird!

Guest Tiger

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Perhaps these should be in the Other Cards section. =/.


They're far from realistic.


Nevertheless, these look pretty good. =]. Your OCG is a little off though. This sound better?


Blue Bird | Yellow Bird | Red Bird

"As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot attack."


Perhaps vary each monster's card effect, too. As they all have the same effect. =/.


I also couldn't help noticing, that they have the exact same stats. Mix them up a little. =].


But nice to see some cards from you, Tiger.



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Perhaps these should be in the Other Cards section. =/.


They're far from realistic.


Nevertheless' date=' these look pretty good. =']. Your OCG is a little off though. This sound better?


Blue Bird | Yellow Bird | Red Bird

"As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot attack."


Perhaps vary each monster's card effect, too. As they all have the same effect. =/.


I also couldn't help noticing, that they have the exact same stats. Mix them up a little. =].


But nice to see some cards from you, Tiger.




I'll be sure to change them! Thanks :)




I want more colors' date=' nice.



Thanks! I will be sure to make more colors :)

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