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A monster card From soul reaver ll (After fixes)


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How about an additional effect:

"If "The Elder God" is on your side of the field, this card cannot be destroyed. Additionally, if this card is equipped to "Soul Reaver" and "Kain" is on your opponent's side of the field, "Kain" must target this card before targeting any other card."


Only putting bread on the table there!

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How about an additional effect:

"If "The Elder God" is on your side of the field' date=' this card cannot be destroyed. Additionally, if this card is equipped to "Soul Reaver" and "Kain" is on your opponent's side of the field, "Kain" must target this card before targeting any other card."


Only putting bread on the table there!


it's a usefull effect . i think that i well make for another card .


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You know the OCG wasnt that bad to start. are you new to this. because your doing much better than I did at the start. And btw you dont have to listen to them about the counter effects, why dont you try "When this monster is destroyed as a result of battle, you can tribute 1 monster in your control to Special Summon 1 'Raziel' from your hand or deck."

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