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Para The Hungry Female Dragon

blaze dragon 1993

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What The Hell?smooshed pic' date='overpowered,idk about OCG,how bout an effect?

if u give it an effect,ill give it a 7/10,but right now


nvm,its not squished


yea agree with XevilclownX



Picture is pressed in

Needs an effect

Theres writing in the background


and thats about impossible to summon

FAIL BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


Free Toilet Paper' date=' so -11/10.


Translation: So bad, that I wouldn't use this card because it's Overpowered, and poor quality. That it would be better as Toilet paper.



Stop being biased against Normal Monsters.


Name: 2/10 (What dragon?)

Pic: 1.5/10 (Boring and like I said, what dragon?)

Effect/Description: 3/10. (Fail. A run-on sentence with bad grammar.)

OCG: x/10

Other: 1/10. (Just way too powerful.)

Overall: 1.8/10.

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