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Finished please move- Keymakr's invitational challenge!- Round 1 has begun!


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ok, thank you to the three of you for getting your selection in on time. since time is now up to select your own card inspiration, i have chosen for enigma zero. his card must be based on Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus.


enigma, if you do not get your card in by the end date, then you will be immediatly disqualified.


im sorry funk*lord but your are too late to accept it. the competition has begun. better luck next time.




here are the matchups for this round.


The Almighty Animator VS. Lucas Maximus


Mini Mizer VS. Nicklordxeno


please remember this was completely random.


i will get out the results of the mini mizer vs nicklordxeno match asap. and the results of the other as soon as enigma posts his card or is disqualified.


good luck to you all


edit: sorry for the mix up enigma

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ok sorry for the double post.


im sorry to say that Lucas Maximus is unable to post his card here because he is leaving YCM.


so congradulations to Almighty Animator for making it though round 1 and has claimed a spot in the finals.


good luck to you in everything you do lucas maximus.


edit: sorry for the mix up enigma

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Holy mental instabilities, Batman!


Where did you get your information because you apparently know something that I do not know...about me even. :?


This is all I know for certain:

1. I pulled 4th in a field spell competition which means I won the right to be in this contest.

2. I got a PM an hour and a half before the deadline to be in this contest(I was out of town even) so I made a post to see if I made the deadline.

3. Even though I had won a spot in this contest keymark decided I needed to pony up points to re enter the contest.

4. Before I had a chance to do that keymakr's impatience decided to start the contest without me...so I missed the boat.

5. Then I see that I'm in one of the matchups of a contest of which I'm not even supposed to be a participant.

6. I might have considered making an entry...but apparently I'm leaving the forums?

7. Because I left the forums(???) I forfeited the match I wasn't even a part of against The Almighty Animator. Uhm...congratulations Animator? :lol:


After reviewing the facts I can come to only 3 conclusions:

1. This contest is a trainwreck.

2. It's organizer lacks both organizational skills and basic patience.

3. Someone out there is making up stories about me because they obvioulsy lack anything resembling a clue about me.


So, since there is so much 'fiction' in this thread allow me to add some facts:

1. I'm not leaving the forums.

2. I am not, nor was I ever apparently, taking part in this non-contest.

3. I want nothing to do with this non-contest.

4. In the future, should this contest creator make something resembling a conest with some kind of structure and timeline then I "might" consider participating...but definately not in this one.


I hope this clears up all of the "mystery" reguarding this non-contest and my role in it. 8)

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wtf....omg...im sooo sory enigma. i got you mixed up w/ someone else.


lucas maximus is supposted to be in and is leaving.


im sorry enigma for the mix up. things have been crazy here and my head was in the wrong place.



now then, i have finally made my decision for the one matchup.


congradulations to nicklordxeno, who will be continuing on to round 2. im sorry mini mizer, better luck next time.


so then, round 2 will be a 1 on 1 matchup of nicklordxeno vs The Almighty Animator.


i will get the task out ASAP.


good luck to the two of you

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omg WTH I can find 2 things wrong with that.. 1. That should be a field spell 2. it's WAY overpowered.. Who uses wind and water, not anyone I know, and they are INDESTRUCTIBLE if no1 uses wind and water but w/e it's your rigged match-up you just set up Animator Wins..? Come on Keymakr... look over a card for longer than read half it's effect. Good Luck Animator!

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1. dont be a sore loser.

2. your card has OCG problems like crazy.

3. your card is also overpowerd: its very hard to even attack it, even if you can attack it it has over 2000 DEF points, and by the time you can attack it you can get a 2600 attack monster on the field.


better luck next time

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It don't matter if mine has ocg problems... At least it makes SENSE his don't make any sense...

1. That should be a field spell 2. it's WAY overpowered.

Mine and it's a GOD it has to be hard to kill... and it may be hard to kill but its actually good, cuz You can just pile monsters on the field... then by the time i get 7 Zeus counters on it you'll have a strong monster!

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ok, first of all, i dont like pointing out technicalities...but i just cant resist this one


your card isnt a god...its a statue of a god.


you dont think it matters that your card has OCG problems? well lets see here...oh...well wat'ya know OCG is one of the chriterion for grading!?!?!? well how about that!


oh and btw, even though i didnt grade the card at all, i think your zeus the greek god is too low of a level...but thats just my opinion

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ok. the remaining competetors are

The Almighty Animator




the two of them will now face off by the rules of round 2-Olympic Champions.


the specific rules can be found in the second spoiler on the bottom of my first post


good luck to you both again.

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um legendmarker...can i help you?


and thank you nicklordxeno. just wanted to make sure you noticed. i really dont want this to come down to a disqualification win.


Edit: Reminder, the final round of this competition ends on the 28th of august at 12 noon. good luck

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yaaaaawn ok here are mine

after i made my 2 E-monsters i decided to look at the AA's (if it seems im cutting short its cause im really tired lol)anyways i looked at the almighty anhilators and they had practically the same effect as mine so then i had to tweak them and now ta-*yaaawn*-da!


When this card is succesfully Summoned place a Competitor counter on it. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponents life points put a Competitor counter on it (Max 3.) Once per turn by removing 2 Competitor counter's attatched to this card destroy all Competitor type monsters on your opponents side of the field and inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent for each one destroyed.


When this card is succesfully Summoned place a Competitor counter on it. Each time this card destroys an opponents Monster as a result of battle place a Competitor counter on this card. Once per turn by removing one Competitor counter attatched to this card destroy a face up monster on the field and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the destroyed Monsters ATK




alright im done for now see ya in a bit

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oooookay sorry for the double post.


the ive made my decision, the results are in.

first of all, i must explain that 4th place will not be awarded because one person (who would have normally taken either 3rd or 4th) failed to enter a card.


now then, for teh awards


in third place, and teh winner of 1 rep and 15 points issss




in second place, and the winner of 2 rep and 25 points issss




and in first place, and the winner of 2 rep and 50 poitns issss




congradulations to all of you.


and i would also like to let you know that another one of these invitational competitions will be comming up soon, however it will be much harder to get in to be sure that everyone who is invited is committed to YCM to see the competition.


again, congradulations, and good luck to all of you in my future competitions.

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