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The Best/Worst Trade you've ever made

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Basically post the best deal you've ever taken and the worst rip oof you've ever fallen victim too.


I have had two terrible rip offs



DB1 Jinzo



Legendary Fisherman PSV ultra


I opted the trade, so it is m fault




Random tall asian at prereleases's Ult frosty (frostosauros)


My: Ult Rare Value, thinking Rare value was a Rare normally.


Best Trade:


My: Dark Paladin DMG promo


God Kaze's: Neo Parshath the sky paladin STON secret


He opted the trade, and I think he knew the value difference, but none the less, it was a good money value profit and he got what he needed. :)


Now, it is time for Chaos to tell us how he got his trooper.

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Worst trades:


None really, I know values pretty well and usually make offers beneficial to myself, though I throw in or trade in favor with friends or those that are kind.


My best trades are:


Jinzo + the creator for card trooper, moments after pulling a d hero malicious.


full set of exodia LOB, both envoys, demise x2, mobius x2 super, granmarg, x3 thestalos, and some of my common wants for two tin cyber dragons.


plague wolf, grand mole, bottomless trap hole, LOD wants for free. ;)

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I've had so many trades, I cant remember which was the best. I think it was when I traded some cards for all the Gate Guardian Cards. But I do know what my worst trade was. I had Jack's Knight so I traded Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning for Queen's Knight and King's Knight. It took me 5 months to get it back, and even then I had to trade my Blue-Eyes White Dragon with the Earth in the backround.

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iv done some good trades lol...


GAVE: E-hero burstinatrix(common) AND E-hero Avian(common)

GOT: Ultimate insect lv 7(super) AND (Horus lv 8(SECRET)


GAVE: Bottomless Trap Hole (rare)

GOT: Call fo the haunted (ultra - b4 it came ins trusture decks)


GAVE: Crysalis x 2(common) AND nex x 2(common)



GAVE: thousand eyes restrict (secret)

GOT: Blue eyes shining (movie promo)

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