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Horus Lock Double ++


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3X Plasma

3X Horus Lv8


2X Horus Lv6

3X Jinzo


3X Horus Lv4

1X Marshmallon

1X Spirit Reaper

2X Agent of Creation - Venus

3X Mystic Shine Ball



2X Allure

3X Trade-In

1X Brain Control

1X Fires of Doomsday

1X Heavy Storm

2X Lightning Vortex

1X Monster Reborn


1X PoA

1X Premature

2X Reasoning



2X Royal Decree



(MSB + Venus are used for Plasma. Summon Venus, pay 1000 sac 3 for Plasma)

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You summon Horus, Jinzo, and Plasma at the same time, and that creates a lockdown, where because of Horus, your opponent can't play spells, traps (because of Jinzo), or use their monster's effects because of Plasma.

DMoC is there in case I mill/want to re-use a good spell.

Marsh + Reaper are there for stall + discard (reaper)

(MSB + Venus are used for Plasma. Summon Venus, pay 1000 sac 3 for Plasma)

Allure + Trade in are used to discard extra copies of Horus, Jinzo, Plasma for draw.


Do i need to go on?

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i dont like the horus level 4s. maybe

-3 Horus Lv4

+3 Jinzo-Lord


(Trade-in and allure food and is a possibility of a playable card' date=' even though thats not the purpose, obviously)



Horus provides shielding, and tribute fodder.

J-L provides trade in/Allure food....


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never said it had to anything with it though its much more useful and faster and no that wasn't spam stupid o by the nice that your only 2 traps are 2 decrees so u rarely see it probably want 3 cuz reasoning will probably just get rid of them. o and if reasoning hits your horus eights your screwed

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never said it had to anything with it though its much more useful and faster and no that wasn't spam stupid o by the nice that your only 2 traps are 2 decrees so u rarely see it probably want 3 cuz reasoning will probably just get rid of them. o and if reasoning hits your horus eights your screwed


Stop being bad at this game

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never said it had to anything with it though its much more useful and faster and no that wasn't spam stupid o by the nice that your only 2 traps are 2 decrees so u rarely see it probably want 3 cuz reasoning will probably just get rid of them. o and if reasoning hits your horus eights your screwed


Stop being bad at this game



If reasoning hits horus.


If i want it back.


Which i doubt.

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