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Premature Burial: Discussion

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Premature Burial is a terrible card. It costs 800 Life Points. 800! That's almost 1000. Even cards that cost 500 Life Points don't cost as much as Premature Burial.


And all you get is one monster from the graveyard. Who cares? If it's in the graveyard' date=' that means it was already killed, so your opponent probably controls a stronger monster already, summoning another monster is useless. And even then, all the opponent has to do is play Mystical Space Typhoon, Dust Tornado, or any of countless other destruction cards and you just wasted 800 Life Points FOR NOTHING.


Plus, what if you're up against Macro Monarchs, which is the only good decktype in this format? You won't have anything to revive! It will be a dead draw. That's why I never use such a bad card.


Even when you use Premature Burial, does it activate the effects of Monarchs you summon? NO! Does it let you summon good cards like Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon? NO! Can you summon Elemental Hero Avian with it? Yes, because Avian is a sucky card and is only used by n00bs that think GX is a good show. See? You can revive terrible cards like that, but nothing good, and it still costs 800 Life Points!


Arms Hole is even worse. First, it makes you discard the top card of your deck. Suppose you loose a good card like Mirror Force. Is it really worth it? No! Random milling is only even remotely useful in Zombie decks, which rely on cards in the grave, and Zombies suck anyhow because none of the Monarchs are Zombies. If it let you decide what card to discard from your deck, it might be almost playable, but does it? NO! That's because it is a BAD CARD.


Then you lose your Normal Summon. This is just ridiculous! How are you supposed to play if you can't Normal Summon! Instead of fetching some useless spell from your graveyard, you could have summoned someone like Granmarg and obliterated your opponent's field. But can you do that now? NO! Instead, you're stuck with some useless Equip Spell that costs a ton of Life Points and that you can't even use because your opponent is running Macro Monarchs, and if you're a half-decent duelist that doesn't spend all his time on Pojo, so do you.


And there aren't even any other good Equip Spells. Sure, Megamorph boosts attack power, but attack power is useless, and even in a Demise deck, it's still not useful because you need your Life Points to be low for it to work, and if your Life Points are too high, it hurts you instead, and Demise sucks anyhow because Macro Monarchs destroys it and it requires too much luck. There are a couple of other Equip Spells that are almost half-decent in their own decks, like Crystal Release, but they're only for bad decktypes like Crystal Beasts and aren't at all useful to Macro Monarchs. So you're stuck with Premature Burial, which eats away at your Life Points for a mediocre effect at a terrible price that isn't even usable in today's meta. Plus, suppose the opponent has Light and Darkness Dragon out, since Twilight Circle is the one other good decktype out there. Can you play Premature Burial? NO! IT WILL JUST GET NEGATED AND YOU WASTED YOUR NORMAL SUMMON AND AN ENTIRE CARD FROM YOUR DECK FOR NOTHING!


To the noobs pointing out that Premature Burial is Limited, that was just to prevent bad players from screwing themselves by running it in threes and clogging their hand with dead draws while obliterating their own Life Points. Suppose you could run 10 Premature Burial. Would you? NO! You'd kill yourself in the process, making all your pointless summons useless! See why these cards are worthless? Now come back once you've learned to distinguish between good cards like Mobius and bad cards like Arms Hole.



Epic win.




tell that to this duel. XD Premature is useful.


i hope that it isnt banned for the sole reason of this link to the duel. XD it would be sooo much fun to do this. XD


EDIT: i just saw the new list. that sucks...


no premmy.. we knew you well...

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Wait, what? I really don't understand. Why does Arms Hole matter in this? I thought it was an Arms Hole loop, but you didn't even mention Arms Hole in your description of the thing.


I see how that strategy is good, but what does Arms Hole have to do with it?

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' pid='992122' dateline='1219158107']

Wait' date=' what? I really don't understand. Why does Arms Hole matter in this? I thought it was an Arms Hole loop, but you didn't even mention Arms Hole in your description of the thing.


I see how that strategy is good, but what does Arms Hole have to do with it?



It allows you to run 4 Premature Burials.

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Did I say it was difficult?


Still, the Prema/Brionac loop requires Premature, Rescue Cat, Summon Priest (OCG Only), Brionac (OCG Only), and the correct Tuner and another level 3 Beast (not difficult). It also needs to have 2 cards in the hand.


Hardly simple to pull off, and with the 2 main cards unavailable in the TCG, Prema should stay Limited in TCG, and Reborn should be banned. Unless Arms Hole, Summon Priest, and Brionac are going to be released...

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