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My Synchro Deck (based off of Yusei Fudo's Deck)

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Here it is:




Junk Synchron x2

Speed Warrior x2

Sonic Chick x2

Turbo Booster

Shield Warrior

Ghost Gaurdna

Nitro Warrior

Tune Warrior x2

Quillbolt Hedgehog x2





Synchronized Realm (thinking about taking out)

Pot of Greed

Synchro Boost x2

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

The Warrior Returning Alive x2

Double Summon

Synchro Blast Wave x2

Fighter Spirit

Domino Effect

Junk Barrage

Lightning Vortex

Battle Tuned

Magical Mallet

Reinforcement of the Army




Trap Hole

Scrap Iron Scarecrow x2

Miniaturize x2

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Call of the Haunted

Draining Shield

Synchro Deflector x2




Junk Warrior x2

Nitro Warrior

Stardust Dragon


If any changes tell me! thanks ^_^

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