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"Jacob....... I forgot to tell you something......The Akatsuki, they've located Shukkaku...."


Half a day had already past. "Phew. You got us doing some hard work. Have we at least located Two-Tails?"


"I've sent Mondo after it. It's near the Leaf. Once he gets there, He'll alert us......"


OOC:Um, I already have a plan for Madara to come into the story. It's kinda the Akatsuki's big plan.

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Moya turned. He could sense them. "Brats. If you could please excuse me for a moment...." He got up to see them coming at him. "Hakushi, you'll need to supply my chakra for a while, I'm gonna be busy."


"Fine. Only if we get to go where I wanna go next," Hakushi pushed up his glasses. "I'm gonna have to check on his current status....."


All the way in the Sound Village, the Sound nin were working like heck on computers. In front of them, a body floated in a large container. The body of the last Kagyuya......


OOC: Here are the translations of the new Akatsuki's names.






Hinoshi-? (Made it up)

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Sasori Jr: Man, I cant find anyone not even Mondo. (Starts back to the Sand Village) What! (Looks to his side then Stops instently) (Thinking)Oh carp. Thats the akatsuki. I thought they were dead. Well since I cant go no where I will just have to stay here and spy on them.

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"So, the Sand sent some brats after us! Well, you aren't gonna live through fighting with me! For I am Moya! The largest and most physically powerful of the Akatsuki!"


"Well? Is your friend gonna help you?" Obito asked.


"I am too busy right now," Hakushi said. "You will have to fight me next time."


Obito pulled out a kunai and ran towards Hakushi. "How about we fight NOW!"


Moya instantly got in the way. When Obito hit his stomach with the Kunai, it just went right through. "You see, I hail from the Hidden Haze Village, so, I'm completely made of Haze!"

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A clone of Moya appeared behind Jacob and took out a kunai. It raised the Kunai into the air...


Obito kept slashing at Moya but kept failing. "Is this all you have?" Moya said. "Well, since we're in the desert...." Obito was suddenly in a different world.


"Genjutsu..." he said.


"That's right," Moya appeared. "I have the power to create illusions. The desert is the perfect place for a marage, hm?"

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