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Ragnarok the Last Visionary - The STRONGEST Visionary (WARNING - 9000 ATK)

Saturn of Elemia

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Get that card to your Graveyard then you can Reborn it and let the fun begin :P Sorry I'm a little more strict on cards since I came back to making them (Notice I haven't made a Realistic for a while? I put the same pressure to succeed on myself) And yep the picure is very nice.

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Not a problem. It's good to be strict, but I also want to make sure everyone understands the reasoning behind the sheer power of this card:


"Jeanne", "Xenozhix", and "Ragnarok" cannot be Special Summoned EXCEPT by the conditons listed on their cards. They are one-time deals, basically. When they are in the Graveyard, that's where they are gonna stay unless you return them to your hand/Fusion Deck.

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Thank god this card is so hard to bring out. Or it would be extremely overpowered if it was easy. Like the God Cards that only require 3 monsters and/or the Sacred Beasts that replaced the Gods. Thank god, they are pretty hard to bring out in their own right or It would be like Overpowered meets OMG your screwed.


I have to say this card is so incredible, I would like to use it in Real Life. xD


Very cool picture, though. I give you a 10/10 for the Picture.

Another 10/10 for the Card's So hard to bring out it's insane.

Another 10/10 for having it only in a Fan Fiction Only. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for rating.


The word "Ragnarok" comes from Norse mythology. It was a group of major events involving the fall of Odin and ultimately led to the entire world being submerged in water. Some like to think of it as "the end of the world".


This card's effect is similar as it destroys all YOUR cards when it comes out and destroys all YOUR OPPONENT'S cards except for the monster it's attacking. The effect that activates when this card attacks is supposed to resemble the fall of Lord Odin in a sense.


Again' date=' thanks for rating. 8)


Luckily enough, IIRC, that the world goes back to normal.


Anyways, if you only gave it one more ATK point...

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