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PP02 Misprints.

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cool i want knopse and lady heat


heheh.i have both.2 knospes actually.and a poison rose.but in super' date='not secret.


i had 2 lady heat's,but i traded 1 and a Royal Firestorm Guards for a pack of PP02.from the shop owner himself.



bad trade but i meant the secret rares i already have a complete set of pp02 and several extras i just wanted the secret rare knonpse and heat

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please this is about misprints so heres a misprint. I got 2 pp02 packs' date=' 1 had a Valhalla and Hero Bond, and the other had a Elemental Hero Captain Planet, all three with NO NAME!!


exactly what Planet are u from?


Mars, how bout you? Why you ask?


what in the world of mars is Elemental Hero Captain Planet no such thing unless someone on this site created it

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please this is about misprints so heres a misprint. I got 2 pp02 packs' date=' 1 had a Valhalla and Hero Bond, and the other had a Elemental Hero Captain Planet, all three with NO NAME!!


exactly what Planet are u from?


Mars, how bout you? Why you ask?


what in the world of mars is Elemental Hero Captain Planet no such thing unless someone on this site created it


im not sure what his real name is, since Ive never had the right card. Its the nickname I hear everyone at locals call him. Its the Ocean Woodsman fusion.

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please this is about misprints so heres a misprint. I got 2 pp02 packs' date=' 1 had a Valhalla and Hero Bond, and the other had a Elemental Hero Captain Planet, all three with NO NAME!!


exactly what Planet are u from?


Mars, how bout you? Why you ask?


what in the world of mars is Elemental Hero Captain Planet no such thing unless someone on this site created it


He's refering to E-Hero Terra Firma. It's alot more fun to call him Captain Planet, though. XD

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