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new Synchro contest


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hi everybody


this contest is all about synchros!!! make synchro monsters (duh), and if they need a specific tuner, post that too. Additianly, you can also post some spells and traps that go with your synchros.



1st. 3 reps and 10 points

2nd 2 reps and 5 points

3rd. 1 rep and 1 point

4th 5 points


Entry fee: 3 points


End Date: tuesday August 19th.


i will judge all of the entries

have fun!!!:D

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Effect: 1 DARK Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Each time a Spell or Trap Card controlled by your opponent is destroyed, your opponent can draw 1 card. Activate the following effect based on the card:

-Monster Card: Your opponent can Summon it in face-up Defense Position.

-Spell Card: Discard 1 Spell card from your hand.

-Trap Card: This monster cannot switch Battle Positions this turn.



Effect: 1 EARTH Tuner monster + 1 FIRE Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this monster is Summoned successfully, select 1 Equip Spell Card from your Deck and add it to your hand. During your opponent's Battle Phase, you can release 1 Pyro-Type monster you control. This monster gains 500 ATK and DEF until the end of the Damage Step. You can only use this effect once per turn.



Effect: 1 EARTH Tuner monster + Assault Mech - Type A + Cyber Flamethrower

This monster's ATK and DEF are equal to the number of monsters in your Graveyard x300. This monster cannot attack your opponent directly if there are more than 10 monsters in his/her Graveyard. If this monster attacks a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than this monster's ATK, your opponent loses Life Points equal to the difference. If your opponent loses Life Points this way, roll 2 six sided dice. Activate the following effect based on the result:

-2: Destroy this monster.

-3: This monster cannot attack during your next Battle Phase.

-4: Your opponent gains Life Points equal to the number of cards in his/her hand x100

-5: Control of this monster switches to your opponent until your next Standby Phase.

-6: Switch this monster to Defense Position.

-7: This monster must attack during your next Battle Phase. If your opponent loses Life Points, you lose Life Points equal to half this monster's ATK.

-8: You cannot Summon a monster next turn.

-9: Remove this monster from play until your next End Phase.

-10: Discard the top 6 cards of your Deck. You lose Life Points equal to the number of level 7 or higher monsters discarded x300

-11: The ATK and DEF of all your opponent's monsters are halved until your next End Phase.

-12: Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.


Monsters that go with Megacyber War Mech:


Effect: This monster cannot be Advance Summoned except by releasing 1 level 3 or lower Machine-Type monster you control. During the End Phase that this monster was Summoned, flip a coin. Activate the following effect:

-HEADS: Destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. You cannot attack with this monster next turn.

-TAILS: Destroy this monster. Your opponent must skip his/her next Battle Phase.


Effect: This monster cannot be Summoned from your Graveyard. This monster's ATK and DEF are equal to the number of monsters in your Graveyard x100. During your Battle Phase you can activate 1 of the following effects:

-This monster can attack 3 times in the same Battle Phase. All other monsters you control cannot attack this turn.

-Pay Life Points equal to the number of cards in your hand x250. This monster can attack your opponent directly.

-Pay 1000 Life Points. Your opponent cannot activate any Set Spell or Trap Cards during your Battle Phase.



Effect: Bloodshot Vampire + 1 or more non-Tuner Fiend-type monsters

When this monster is Successfully Synchro Summoned, discard all cards in your hand. Search your Deck for 2 level 4 or lower Fiend-type monsters, 1 Spell Card, and 1 Trap Card and add them to your hand. Discard all cards in your hand during the End Phase and draw 3 cards from your Deck.


Tuner that goes with Vampire Warlord:


Effect: If this monster was Summoned by a card effect, place it back in your hand during the End Phase. During your Battle Phase, the DEF of all monsters your opponent controls is 0. If this monster destroys one of your opponent's monsters in Defense Position, Summon the destroyed monster to your Spell & Trap Card Zone (All battle damage done to your opponent is 0). If this monster would be destroyed by battle, a monster you control in the Spell & Trap Card Zone would be destroyed instead. The battle damage to your Life Points is equal to the level of the attacking monster x150.

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