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synchro monster ocg help plz

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im working on a synchro monster but want to check if the ocg is right. here is what i have


Flare Summoner" + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

For each Pyro-Type monster in your Graveyard increase the ATK of this monster by 200. If a Pyro-Type monster were to be sent to the Graveyard while this card is on the field inflict 200 points of damage to it's controller.

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"Flare Summoner" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Increase this card's ATK by 200 for each Pyro-Type monster in your Graveyard. Each time a Pyro-Type monster is sent to the Graveyard while this card is face-up on the field, inflict 200 damage to its controller.



That's it, but I think it's a pretty underpowered card. Also, did you mean for it to only count when they were on the field, or sent to the Grave in general?

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