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Archbaron Larry

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holo and re-color pls. black and gold would be nice. will pay when i get the card. 127028vn4.jpg

2 problemos.


1. (Geez, no one reads rules anymore.) You didn't say what holo style you wanted, and I only do colors that exist on ACTUAL cards. Oh, and the combined total of that is only 1 point, because of my discount. The first customer gets free, and the second gets their order for 1point.

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holo and re-color pls. black and gold would be nice. will pay when i get the card. 127028vn4.jpg

2 problemos.


1. (Geez' date=' no one reads rules anymore.) You didn't say what holo style you wanted, and I only do colors that exist on ACTUAL cards. Oh, and the combined total of that is only 1 point, because of my discount. The first customer gets free, and the second gets their order for 1point.



Sorry I took so long. Holo 2 pls. And no recolor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

holo and re-color pls. black and gold would be nice. will pay when i get the card. 127028vn4.jpg

2 problemos.


1. (Geez' date=' no one reads rules anymore.) You didn't say what holo style you wanted, and I only do colors that exist on ACTUAL cards. Oh, and the combined total of that is only 1 point, because of my discount. The first customer gets free, and the second gets their order for 1point.



Sorry I took so long. Holo 2 pls. And no recolor.


Sorry that took so long dude... I haven't been on YCM for ages... WELL IM BACK! AND BELIEVE IT! Anyway ultimate45, I'll PM the order when its done.


EDIT: Oh, for some reason I can't PM you. Well, finally, here's your order. If you click on this, your card will come up. Enjoy!




PS: Your order costs 2 points, but with the 2nd customer discount, it'll be 1 point. {pay me 1 point} Thanks, please come again

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