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Archbaron Larry

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:blueeyes19's SUPER SHOP

Guess what? BLUEEYES19'S SUPER SHOP IS NOW OPEN........................................... 24 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi, and welcome to my shop!

[spoiler=My Items]

Multicolor Cards - 1 point per color

Pic Finding - 1 point per pic, but first pic free (also, Laser Yoshi is pic finding too, so if you want a pic found, tell us if you want me or Laser Yoshi to do the job.)

Avatar Finding - Same prices as pic finding. (Lord Whitey is also doing av finding.) 1 pt. for Lord Whitey.

Holos - 2 points

Sigs/Banners: (Lord Whitey only) 3 pts.





The first customer gets their items free, and the second customer gets it for 1 point.



Multicolor example: Click on link.http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-48806.html

The first card on that thread, the half spell, half effect monster is the type of card I am making. But in this shop, you can get more then 2 colors.


Avatar Example- MY OWN AVATAR! YAY http://img356.imageshack.us/my.php?image=iohf84ga7.png (lord whitey's example)


Pic Example- batmanat7.th.gif



Holo Examples - List what card/pic you want holoed, and the holo styles. Here are the examples.


Holo Style #1






Holo style 2





Holo style 3


Banner/Sig: (Lord Whitey only) ex: muylabuj8.th.png


Booster Example: http://img395.imageshack.us/my.php?image=duelistendboosternl1.jpg





[spoiler=SHOP RULES]

1. No stealing (If you steal, you will get 1 neg. rep, and be banned from my shop.)

2. If you have negitave 10 or worse rep, you cannot buy from this shop.

3. If you want to work at this shop, you must PM me saying so, and you must be able to make these cards I am selling. If you work here, I will give you 1 rep every week (If I don't, then you should remind me because I am VERY forgetful.)

4. When you order, you have to fill out this form or your request will be denied.

Number of colors -

Which colors -

Any special way that the colors should be arranged - (optional)

Do you want a specific worker to do your order? -

5. (NEW RULE PLEASE READ) Half and half card rule: Whatever card you give me to multicolor, the color of the card that you give me will be on the right side of the card. This rule is a bit confusing, contact me if you have any questions.

6. Enjoy the shop, and PM me if you have any questions.




[spoiler=Disclaimers and refunds]

For my pic and avatar finding, my credit goes to Google and Dogpile.

Refund Policy: If by a chance me or any of my workers cannot do your order, you get a 5 point refund.






Laser Yoshi

Lord Whitey



[spoiler=Shop Banlist]




[spoiler=Shop Status]




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I deny.


Well, there's two resons why I did that.


1. I didn't know if you saw, but under "shop status," it says CLOSED.

2. I don't do red. Only colors of REAL yugioh cards. So, blue, pink, purple, yellow, orange, and green.


HOWEVER - If you order again when the shop is open and with appropriate colors, you'll still get the discount. And it says first CUSTOMER, not first CARD in my post. So which means, you would get both FREE:D

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Pic and Emerald Yoshi


All right. I'll tell him to PM you the pic. Oh, and you have to pay Emerald Yoshi instead of me. Oh, and ask him what his pic finding prices are then tell me please? He was never clear on that.


EDIT: I PM'ed him, and I asked him what the prices are, so don't ask him, I already did. So, as soon as he reads that PM, he will be right with your order.

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