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>>>Celestial Grounds RP<<<


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Rokujo: .........

???: Oh...no.

???: Oh great, he just had to get knocked out.

???: Well he was in a bad condition.

???: Yeah, so are we.

*All the rooms have been taken over by the bandits*

???: Hey you two, shut it! Geez, why am I stuck with two noisy people?

???: Who are you-

???: I SAID SHUT IT! Geez, do people these days ever listen?

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???: Hehehe, we took over the building and-What the?

Rokujo: Your heart has been tainted, alowe me to change that Dark Heart of yours.

???: When did he wake up?

???: Dunno.

Rokujo: From Darkness to Light and Lightness to Dark, I shall change your hearts and you shall never do Evil's work ever again! *Suddenly beams come out of Rokujo's hands and attach to the bandits*

???: What the?

???: Ack!

???: Huh?

Rokujo: ...Heart change!

*Moments later*

???: Let's go.

???: Right boss.


OoC: Okay you can wake up now.

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Diogus couldn't believe his ears.

"Would I!"

He gathered air and made 2 swords with detailed designs. The swords were as big as Will, but Diogus could carry them like a baby dog.

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