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Okay you know how people are always getting pissed about people posting 1-5 word messages just to raise the post counts or something?


Would it be possible to make it to where if your message isn't a certain amount of characters long, it doesn't raise your post count?

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i like the concept but you have to think about that people would just make there posts that much longer because there to lazy to do any thing else so they end up just adding more words

that make no sense

and i dissagree with post count and stars

it should be rep based not post based

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Lol at the Demented thing.


Also people could do this:


Bad 1/10 (filler for letters needed loalodlanfdabgfabdgadg)


People who did that would face a punishment if caught. Such as a ban from the forum they posted in, or point deduction/post count deduction. ETC...

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