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Discussion: Cyber Phoenix

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Protects itself and other Machines like Jinzo, Cyber Dragon, Blue Thunder T-45, Card Trooper, and even Chimeratech Overdragon or Cyber Twin Dragon from cards like Book of Moon, Sakuretsu Armor/Dimensional Prison, Enemy Controller, Shrink, and even Brain Control.


Provides free attack(s) (provided your opponent does not use Mirror Force, which is doubtful if you have but one CyPhx) (better with Limiter Removal).


Replaces itself with draw ability when attacked and destroyed (more likely than it being destroyed by card effect).



An all around decent card which saw more play a few years back. But in this fast metagame, its hard for CyPhx to get any place in decks. I've been incorporating it into the last few decks I've made, most notably in my Aggro decks, and it helps a great deal. I've gone several turns with one CyPhx doing single direct attacks and my opponent could not do anything to it or my other Machines.


In my view, a very underrated and unappreciated card.

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