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1000th post+new card and a burger


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my 100th postwith a new card and a party


[spoiler=effect]This card cannot be normal summoned or set.If this card is targeted by a pyro monster take control of that monster until your endphase.If this card inflects damege to your opponent activate one of the following:

Send 1 pyro type monster ro the graveyard to attack direcly.

Destroy all spell and traps on the field.

Inflect 1000 points to your opponents life points.

Once this effect has been activted send this card and your hand to your deck and suffle your deck then draw the same amount of cards you put back in your deck




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ooooohh! party!! XD and a burger? a burger?? strange..?? how are we gonna eat 1 burger? whoooooh!! XD

just eat the card.it tastes like a cheese burger


woo hoo party and congrats on 1000 posts

thanx kyroid

Raise level to 8' date=' good pic, grammar problems, seems okay. 7/10


thanx pro

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.If this card is targeted by a Pyro-Type monster take control of that monster until the End Phase. If this card inflects damege to your opponent activate one of the following effects:

•Send 1 Tyro-Type monster ro the graveyard to attack direcly.

•Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.

•Inflect 1000 points to your opponent.

Once an effect has been activted send this card and your hand to your Deck and suffle it, then draw the same amount of cards you put back in your Deck



I would expect a lv. 5 member to know the basis of OCG.

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