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Tribute Card to Kale

Saturn of Elemia

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Hello everyone. I have another card for you to rate/comment - don't hate since it is a Tribute Card. This card goes out to an amazing member of YCM - Kale. You may know him for his fanfics, but his true claim to fame lies with his greatest creation - the Ally Monsters. These cards introduce a unique and creative mechanic that is just beyond incredible. This card was made in recognition of this. Without further ado:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned on a Stack with 5 or more Vectors. Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 100 for each Vector in the Stack. Once per turn, you can send the bottom card of the Stack to the Graveyard to destroy 1 card on the field. If this card is the only card on the Stack, destroy it. Once per turn, you can move 1 Ally Monster on another Stack you control to the bottom of the Stack.


Here is the link to Kale's Ally Monsters:


(You owe it to yourself to take a look at this masterpiece in the making)


Lemme know whatcha think, dude. 8)

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' pid='972196' dateline='1218799727']

Lucky Kale -_- but you need to get rid of the text in the pic.


lucky me? apparently you are the 2nd greatest member to join this year.. and i didnt place anywhere that i know of. :(




Thank you for the card! how did you know i love Fullmetal Alchemist? XD


i appreciate this very much, a +rep to you! XD


although i dont think i will add it to the set. ;)


thanks very much!


oh, what do you guys think of me changing my name to 'Mr. K'? XD



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