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D.D. Darkness Return DAD deck?

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D.A.D x2

Dark Magician of Chaos



Golden Homoculus

Armegedon Knight x3

Dark Grepher x2

Cyber Valley x3

Necro Face x2

Dark Crow x2

Necro Gardna x2

Destiny Hero Malcious x2


Snipe Hunter




Foolish Burial x2

D.D. Reincarnation x3

Soul Release x2

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Lightning Vortex

Magical Stone Excavation

Brain Control

Monster Reincarnation

Giant Trunade

Heavy Storm

Bait Doll x2

Swords of Revealing Light



Return From D.D.

Escape From Dark Dimension

Threatening Roar x3

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force


To some people, this might be noobish, but i used most these cards on KCVDS, except for a couple exceptions, and it works, and i added more specifically dark cards, to make a real life version of this deck, please help me with this deck.thank you

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This isnt how you run Dark Armed Dragon. Also, never combine Macro with Dark Armed Dragon. Thats one of the worst possible things you could do with a card that relies on the graveyard. I dont think you need Armageddon Knight in here. Dark Grepher should be enough. I tried 3 Dark Grepher and 3 Armageddon Knight in Dark Armed Dragon and it seemed very inconsistent but seemed to be a viable way to build a Return Based Deck on Rainbow Dark Dragon which worked better than I thought it would. The Traps in here seem good. Some Spells shouldnt be in here and you seem to be missing very important ones (Allure of Darkness for example).


DDM should definately not be in here. Golden Hommunculus shouldnt be in here. Necroface has its own strategy and doesnt belong in here. Necro Gardna isnt that good and probably shouldnt be in here. Spirit Reaper is better than Marshmallon in here. Use that instead.

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D.A.D x2

Dark Magician of Chaos



Dark Grepher x2

Cyber Valley x3

d.d. survivor x2


disk commander

fear monger


Destiny Hero Malcious x2


Snipe Hunter




Foolish Burial x2

allure x2

d-draw x3

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Magical Stone Excavation x2

Brain Control

Heavy Storm



limit reverse

Return From D.D.

divine wrath x3

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force


thats at the lowest price i can get it to with the cards u got u need draw power use trade in instead of d-draw but allure is a MUST

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