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Incoming ban list, what's coming back?

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Never Pot of Greed. I would laugh if Konami ever considered bringing back the most Broken of the Broken Cards Raigeki & Harpies Feather Duster. If they did that then it would never be the same again...... Most people would argue that "They can be countered as they are Normal Spells!" I say so?


Pot of Greed, Raigeki, and Harpie's Feather Duster are far from the most broken cards in the game.


The most broken is Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Last will again. Only decks i know of that will go throught the roof is


Gigaplant otk





nvm... i take that back.


Um... wow, mabey Thousand eyes restrict? How abusable could that get?


All they can do is instant fusion, Limit reverse, Angle lift... :( Is there anything non abusable that could be brought back besides breaker?

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Last Will is a card that we won't be seeing for long, being an instant Mystic Tomato of all attributes. It's broken in a Monarch Deck, being able to be used basicily anytime.


Witch can search nearly every card you need, no way it's ever coming back.


Breaker, Magician of Faith, Call of the Haunted, and Time Seal are the only cards I see possibly coming back. Confiscation too, if we're lucky, but not Forceful Sentry.

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They should make Matamorphosis come back. With it still banned, there is absolutely NO WAY to summon Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman. That makes that card literally worthless!!!!


Also, I WANT not THINK that Chaos Emperor Dragon and Black Luster EOB to come back. Too bad they won't though.. I loved those two cards. WHY DID THEY BAN THEM

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