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Lords of the Streets

Deity Mitsu

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Excelent pics though a few cards such as Graffite master are overpowered. This monster can give you an army to work with while growing stronger each turn. I'll comment on more later.


Here's a suggestion

Graffite Master

Once per turn you may pay 500 lifepoints to special summon one monster card fro you or your opponent's graveyard until the end phase of you turn. Increase this cards atk by 200 everytime it's effect is activated.

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Legendary Bandit Gasyl~

Too powerful for a Level 4 1900 ATK Monster

With no real drawback.


without changes 5/10

possible changes could include:

- Only 1 of the effects not both.

- ATK definitely needs to come down at least 200

- A drawback would be you lose 400 when a Trap is played. There isn't many Traps in a duel, and the deck may not even have any Trap Cards at all.

With changes~ 8.5/10


The Blind Robber~

300 Life Points for a switch effect is unfair. Should be at least 1000 a turn.


without changes 4/10

possible changes could include:

- 1000 Life Points a turn

- can only use if there is a face-up Monster, and the selected Monster cannot change battle position.

With changes~8+/10


Grafitti Master~

The effect should be decrease the monsters ATK by 300 or more. Imagine if there was 2 other Graffiti Masters in the Graveyard. Thats a possible 4 monsters in one turn, and even then they can keep pulling each other back from the graveyard. Very broken


Without changes 3/10

possible changes could include:

- Pay 1000 Life Points, and only use effect once per duel.

- Add monster to hand not Special Summon.

- Can only Special Summon a non DARK Monster or a Level 4 or lower Monster.


Mechanic Bandit~

This card is ok. Only good against a Machine Deck anyways.


No changes 8/10


Vite Miado~

Is ok. Maybe lower ATK?


without changes 6/10

possible changes could include:

- lower ATK by 100 or 200

with changes 7.5/10


Rogue Lord Senkai~

This is very good. Maximum 2000 damage, and 1000 increase. Which is a lot in difference but that would be rarely.


without changes 8/10

possible changes could include:

- Only can use 2nd effect if your Life Points are lower than your opponents.

with changes 10/10

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