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Undead Emperors

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Total : 41


Monsters : 21


1 ryu kokki

3 caius the shadow monarch

1 raiza the storm monarch


3 mezuki

3 mystic tomato

3 pyramid turtle

2 goblin zombie

1 snipe hunter

1 sangan

1 spirit reaper

2 d.d. crow


Spells : 10


2 allure of darkness

1 monster reborn

1 premature burial

1 brain control

3 creature swap

1 heavy storm

1 mystical space typhoon


Traps : 10


1 crush card virus

3 phoenix wing wind blast

3 solemn judgement

1 torrential tribute

1 mind crush

1 mirror force


Side Deck : 15


3 vanity's fiend

1 d.d. crow

2 ryko lightsworn hunter

2 burial from a different dimension

1 magic cylinder

3 dust tornado

3 light imprisonning mirror


extra deck : 10


1 red dragon archfiend

1 stardust dragon

1 tought ruler archfier

1 colossal fighter

2 goyou guardian

1 magical android

1 gladiator beast gyzarus

1 sanwitch

1 reaper on the nightmare


Here's a deck I've been working on since pp02 came out. Rate and fix. I'd like to know if I could do well in tournaments with this.

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I'm actually surprised that nobody knows this type of deck here. It's way more stable than the oh so predictable average zombie deck who only focus on bringning stuff back from the grave. I'm not saying the zombies are bad, in fact it's better than most of the deck who gets posted here, but I don't consider it top tier. When you check the winning deck (gladiators, cornarches, DAD control) you see that most of them already main plenty of cards that screws up the whole strategy of the zombies (wing blast, dd crow, solemn judgement, BTH, BoM... even royal oppression in cornarches). Here, the only thing that can hurt me once in a while is a crow. Goblin zombie is the key card in the deck. Usually you start by swapping a tomato or a turtle, then you search a goblin zombie, sack for a monarch search mezuki, discard mesuki with wing blast or sniper (also searchable via tomato), then you remove the mezuki to bring back goblin zombie so you can tribute for another monarch *catches his breath*. Ryu kokki is only there to give me more option. If I already have the setup I can search for a sangan with tomato so I can get a crow. Goblin zombie+mezuki work just like malicious and maybe even better.


If this can help you, this is not a zombie deck. I use zombies as a support. If your still not convinced try it use proxy or YVD it just takes a couple of duel to get a good idea of the deck.


I could easily make it more zombie oriented :


-3 tomato

-1 snipe hunter

-1 crow

-2 creature swap

-1 mirror force


+3 zombie master

+2 book of life

+3 cosr


That way i could annoy my opponent recycling goblin zombie with zombie master to search more zombie masters but i find it to hard to accomplish these days. (sure there are games when your opponent gets bad hands but it doesn't count)


@JoC : I netdecked it from japan I could never come up with such a twisted idea

@Yoshimitsu : I could try il blud in the more zombie oriented build

@tonisanoob : It's better than DW

@skulldur & horus [nwo] : See the more zombie oriented biuld

@magno : Raiza is the Emperor part of the deck with caius (Emperor=monarch in japan)

@macromonarch12 & silencerleader : That would be building the deck everybody has

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