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All destroyers and Defenders Rate plz

Mr. Hyde

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126334iv3.jpg126334qr3.jpg126334hk0.jpghttp://img292.imageshack.us/img292/8258/126334th0.jpg[/img]126334vs2.jpg126334gb4.jpg126334sh2.jpg126334qd1.jpg126334bk3.jpg126334zp7.jpgWhile this card is face up on the field no Defenders of mobius cards can not be destroyed by battle except this card. While Mobius is face up on the field this monster cannot be Destroyed by battle. If this card is destroyed by battle specail summon a Defenders of mobius-Super Silver.126334ih4.jpg126334fp8.jpg126334xu4.jpgThis monster can only be summoned by the effects of Defenders of mobius-Naruto Uzumaki. This card gains 100 ATK for each of your opponents spell and trap cards. Five turns after this card is played tribute this card to summon Defenders of mobius-Demon fox naruto state 2.126334bq7.jpgThis monster can only be summoned by the effects of Defenders of mobius-Demon fox Naruto State 1. This card gains 200 ATK for each of your opponents spell or trap cards. When this card gains 1000 ATK from this effect tribute this face up card for Defenders of mobius-Demon fox Naruto 4 tails.126334at5.jpg126334jt2.jpg126334dx0.jpg126334lh6.jpgAnd here are the destroyers


Sry forgot Knuckles126334he6.jpg

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