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3 red-eyes darkness metal dragon

3 dark horus

3 vandalygon


2 magna drago

2 axe dragonute

2 exploder dragon

3 masked dragon

1 sangan

1 morphing jar


3 cosr

1 monster reborn

1 prem

3 arms hole

1 giant trunade

2 allure

3 trade in


2 soulems

2 divine wrath

1 mirror force



x broniac

x stardust

x goyu gaurdian


beat tht bioches


arms hole:

Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard. Select 1 Equip Spell Card from your Deck or Graveyard and add it to your hand. You cannot Normal Summon or Set this turn.


axe dragonute : 4/2000/1200

If this card attacks, it is switched to Defense Position at the end of the Damage Step.


brioniac : 6/2300/dosnt matter

1 Tuner + 1 or more Non Tuner monsters

Discard any number of cards from your hand to return from the field to the owner's hand the same number of cards you discarded.

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Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon? Does that card even exist?


Besides you'd need Metalmorph just to get a metal dragon. Even if you ment Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon you'd need Red-Eyes Black Dragon to get Black Metal Dragon to the field due to it's summoning conditions unless you are only going to use them for the allure and dragon mirrior.



Fail in my opinion.

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Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon? Does that card even exist?


Besides you'd need Metalmorph just to get a metal dragon. Even if you ment Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon you'd need Red-Eyes Black Dragon to get Black Metal Dragon to the field due to it's summoning conditions unless you are only going to use them for the allure and dragon mirrior.



Fail in my opinion.


You fail,


REDMD is not for being summoned, it gets abused by trade in, dragons mirror, future fusion and stuff likr that

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Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon? Does that card even exist?


Besides you'd need Metalmorph just to get a metal dragon. Even if you ment Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon you'd need Red-Eyes Black Dragon to get Black Metal Dragon to the field due to it's summoning conditions unless you are only going to use them for the allure and dragon mirrior.



Fail in my opinion.


You fail' date='


REDMD is not for being summoned, it gets abused by trade in, dragons mirror, future fusion and stuff likr that



You both Fail.




[spoiler=Effect]This card can be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 Dragon-Type monster you control. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster except "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" from your hand or Graveyard.



Best Dragon Card EVAR!!!

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Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon? Does that card even exist?


Besides you'd need Metalmorph just to get a metal dragon. Even if you ment Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon you'd need Red-Eyes Black Dragon to get Black Metal Dragon to the field due to it's summoning conditions unless you are only going to use them for the allure and dragon mirrior.



Fail in my opinion.


You fail' date='


REDMD is not for being summoned, it gets abused by trade in, dragons mirror, future fusion and stuff likr that



REDMD is Level 10 >.<


You are thinking of Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon >.<




Get it right, REDMD =/= REBMD




Maybe try to add in a Future Fusion?

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Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon? Does that card even exist?


Besides you'd need Metalmorph just to get a metal dragon. Even if you ment Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon you'd need Red-Eyes Black Dragon to get Black Metal Dragon to the field due to it's summoning conditions unless you are only going to use them for the allure and dragon mirrior.



Fail in my opinion.



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