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☆ Master Sami ☆

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Hi, the fusion monster isn't really a divine monster but i couldn't choose an attribute, its quarter aqua quarter pyro etc. so i chose divine.









"Elemental Hero Electrum" + "Elemental - Dragon Cyber Steel", this monster can only be special summoned by fusion summon, this monster cannot be destroyed in battle, pay half your life points to toss a coin, call heads or tails, if you call right, destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field, if you call wrong, destroy all WATER, FIRE, LIGHT, DARK monsters on your opponent's side of the field, if this monster is destroyed inflict direct damage to your opponent's life points equal to half the combined ATK points of the monsters this card has destroyed, this monster is automaticly destroyed when "F.G.D" is summoned.


Wish you enjoyed Please give me your opinion and rate as well :D:D:D

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