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How to improve YCM


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YCM as it is, is a fun and easy way to design your own Yugioh Cards, but needs to be made easier.


* The "Image URL" part, where you insert your own online pictures onto the card you're designing, rarely works properly and needs to be looked at.


* The "Downloadable YCM" is notoriously difficult to download and get running.


* It's VERY difficult to print out your finished designs. I know YCM wasn't intended for people to print hard copies of their designed cards, but a lot of people do these days to show off to friends or have madcap duesl with complete sets of their own homemade cards.

An added "Print" option that is easy to use, has the correct card size - roughly 2.25 inches by 3.25 inches - and is clear enough for the printed text to be read would be an awesome addition.

That way, people printing out designed cards, can stick their printouts onto a cheap common Yugioh card and actually play games with them.


These ideas would greatly improve Yugioh Card Maker :)

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YCM as it is' date=' is a fun and easy way to design your own Yugioh Cards, but needs to be made easier.


* The "Image URL" part, where you insert your own online pictures onto the card you're designing, rarely works properly and needs to be looked at.


* The "Downloadable YCM" is notoriously difficult to download and get running.


* It's VERY difficult to print out your finished designs. I know YCM wasn't intended for people to print hard copies of their designed cards, but a lot of people do these days to show off to friends or have madcap duesl with complete sets of their own homemade cards.

An added "Print" option that is easy to use, has the correct card size - roughly 2.25 inches by 3.25 inches - and is clear enough for the printed text to be read would be an awesome addition.

That way, people printing out designed cards, can stick their printouts onto a cheap common Yugioh card and actually play games with them.


These ideas would greatly improve Yugioh Card Maker :)





yah I agree especially with the Print idea because I actually do that and it's a hassle making it the perfect size to play with

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YCM as it is' date=' is a fun and easy way to design your own Yugioh Cards, but needs to be made easier.


* The "Image URL" part, where you insert your own online pictures onto the card you're designing, rarely works properly and needs to be looked at.


* The "Downloadable YCM" is notoriously difficult to download and get running.


* It's VERY difficult to print out your finished designs. I know YCM wasn't intended for people to print hard copies of their designed cards, but a lot of people do these days to show off to friends or have madcap duesl with complete sets of their own homemade cards.

An added "Print" option that is easy to use, has the correct card size - roughly 2.25 inches by 3.25 inches - and is clear enough for the printed text to be read would be an awesome addition.

That way, people printing out designed cards, can stick their printouts onto a cheap common Yugioh card and actually play games with them.


These ideas would greatly improve Yugioh Card Maker :)



I agree with all this. Didn`t you try putting them on Paint, then select the complete picture and placing it on Word, THEN printing it? It`s long, but it doesn`t matter.

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I found a (long winded) way around the print problem.

Im using the old MGI Photosuite 8.0 prgram cos its what ive always been used to.


If you start with your copied card from Yugioh Card Maker, the centre of the card, where your picture will go, is 245 wide by 250 high, as long as you dont change the size of the YCM card straight away, so any picture that you need to add to your card, resize to 245 x 250 and cut+paste into the centre of your card.


Open Microsoft Word and cut+paste your completed card into a blank document, it'll paste the same size as it was on Photosuite (or whatever your using).

In Word,,,highlight the card by clicking on it, go into 'Format' on the toolbar, and select 'Object' at the bottom of the menu.


Along the top of the new window, you'll see a tab that says 'size',,,click on that and new options will appear.


Your height (in cm) needs to be 8.25 cm and your width (in cm) needs to be 5.71.

This will now shrink the card down to pretty much the same size as a regular yugioh card and you can still see the writing!


For best printout results, use photo glossy paper, 'PhotoEnhance' if you have it and an inkjet printer.

You should be able to fit 4 cards on one page with small spaces in between for easy cutting.

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it wouldnt be hard to code to make spirits/unions/gemenis accepted into the YCM....


allt hat would need to b coded would b:


1)copy the effect monster code...

2)change it to say "spirit" instead of effect




and just make the efect/spirit/gemeni/union/none radio buttons....


i could probably do it if i had the codes for the current YCM...

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