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Walk in the footsteps of Evil!!


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Heres an Evil Hero (EvH) deck, i know i have Elemental Hero (EH) Avian/Burstinatrix and i might take them out, this is just a little test to see how this deck would work and what cards i should take out.


Monsters: 22

x1 EH Avian

x1 EH Burstinatrix

x2 EH Sparkman

x2 EH Clayman

x2 EH Wildheart

x1 EH Stratos

x3 EvH Infernal Gainer

x2 EvH Malicious Edge

x2 EH Prisma

x1 Morphing Jar

x1 Fossil Tusker

x2 Giant Rat

x2 KoTS


Spells: 15

x2 Dark Fusion

x3 Dark Calling

x1 Vicious Claws

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 MST

x3 Lightning Vortex

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Premature Burial

x2 Big Bang Shot


Traps: 5

x3 Threatning Roar

x1 Return From the Different Dimension

x1 Mirror Force


Fusions: 7

x2 EvH Dark Gaia

x2 EvH Lightning Golem

x1 EvH Inferno Wing

x2 EvH Malicious Fiend

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I REALLY hope that you meant morphing jar...


I mean, the mistake that you made by having more than 1 return from the different dimension is understandable, since it hasn't been to long since it was limited


but Cyber jar? how long has it been since that thing was banned again? there's no excuse for having cyber jar in your deck

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sorry everybody, and yes i did mean morphing jar im sorry for that confusion, I will make the deck changes now. if i had a torrential i would put it in but i havent got a single one as of yet. I'll add in a mirror force and then update the first post with the differences

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