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My deck of amphibious-ness(umi based)


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this is my current water deck




magic cylander

draining shield

sakuretsu armour

tornado wall


shadow spell

trap jammer

raging cloudian

ordeal of a traveler

dust tornado

magic jammer

call of the haunted

torrential tribute


it seems like alot, but trust me it works well8)



star boy x2

maiden of the aqua

7 colored fish x2

Ocean dragon lord neo daedalus x2

Barrior statue of the torrent

Amphibious bugroth mk 3 x2

Mobius the frost monarch x2

Levia dragon daedalus

Magical reflect slime

Whether report

Unshaven angler x2

Tribe infecting virus x2

Cloudian eye of the typhoon

Serpent warrior of darkness x2

Space mambo

Creeping doom manta

Jowls of dark demise

Penguin knight



swords of revealing light

umiiruka x2


hammer shot x2

a legendart ocean x2

big wave small wave x2

remove trap

heavy storm

mystical space typhoon x3


monster reborn


any suggestions?

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