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<<Pokevolution Module - Electrifying Zone>>


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In the wilderness of the world of Pokemon, there is a species of Pokemon that weild the THUNDER element, and this Pokemon species is known as the Thunder Type. These Pokemon are powerful creatures that can fully defend themselves with THUNDER based attacks.



Lightning Storm Jolteon

"Eevee" + 1 "Thunder-Type monster"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by sending the above cards from your side of the field to your Graveyard. When this card is selected as a attack target you may flip a coin and call it. If successful then the attacking monster is forced into defence position.




If this monster is destroyed by battle the attacking monster is forced into Defense Position. During your Standby Phase, by sending this face-up card to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Flaffy" from your hand or Deck.




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Mareep" Once per turn, when this card is selected as an attack target, you may switch up to 2 of your opponent's monsters into Defense Position. During your Standby Phase, by sending this face-up card to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Ampharos" from your hand or Deck.



Ampharos nap

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Flaffy". Once per turn, you can discard 2 cards from your hand to switch every monster on the field into Defense Position (excluding this card).




Each time a card effect requires a player to send a card from their hand to the Graveyard, the controller of that card effect takes 500 Points of Damage to their Life Points. During your Standby Phase, flip a coin and call it. If you call it correctly, Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Pikachu" from your hand or Deck. If you call it incorrectly, inflict 500 Points of Damage to your Life Points.



Pokemons just for kids

By tributing 1 Level 6 or higher Thunder-Type monster you control you can increase this card's original ATK by 1000, if you activate this card's effect this card decreases it's ATK by 200 each time this card battles with a monster. This card's effect can only be activated once per duel. When this card battles with a monster you can switch the Battle Position of the target monster.




"Pikachu" + 1 Thunder-Type monster

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by sending the above cards from your side of the field to your Graveyard. Once per turn you can draw 1 card from your deck, if the card you draw is a Monster Card you can select and destroy 1 card on the field and inflict 500 Points of Damage to the Life Points of the controller of the selected card. If the card you draw is a Spell Card or Trap Card you must send it to the Graveyard, if you activate this effect this card cannot attack this turn. When this card attacks automatically switch the Battle Position of all face-up monsters on the field except this card.




Increase the ATK of this monster by 500 points for each face-up "Minun" on your side of the field. If this is the only card on your side of the field, during your Standby Phase you can Special Summon 1 "Minun" from your Hand or Deck.




Increase the ATK of this monster by 500 points for each face-up "Plusle" on your side of the field. If this is the only card on your side of the field, during your Standby Phase you can Special Summon 1 "Plusle" from your Hand or Deck.



Image found on a Google Search

"Pikachu" + 1 Trainer-Type or Gym-Leader-Type monster.

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by sending the above cards from your side of the field to your Graveyard. The ATK & DEF of this card is equal to the number of Thunder-Type monsters on the field x 800. As long as this card remains face-up on the field you or your opponent cannot Summon any WATER monsters. By Discarding 1 Thunder-Type monster from your hand, you can destroy 1 card on the field.




If you control 2 or more Thunder-Type monsters (excluding this card), this card can attack your opponent directly. If this card successfully attacks your opponent directly, you can select 1 "Shinx", "Luxio", or "Luxray" from your Deck and add it to your hand. During your next Standby Phase after you use this effect, send this face-up card to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Luxio" from your hand.




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Shinx". Increase the ATK of this card by 300 for each Thunder-Type monster you control (excluding this card) If you declare an attack with this card, flip a coin and call it. If you call it correctly, double this card's ATK during the Damage Step only. If you call it wrong, destroy all Thunder-Type monsters you control (excluding this card) During your Standby Phase, by sending this face-up card to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Luxray" from your hand or Deck.[/align]

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