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A deck with no name


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I built this deck recently and so far i had 1 loss and 7 wins with it.


tell me if this deck needs improvement.


22 Monsters:

Cyber Dragon X2

Blowback Dragon

The Fiend Megacyber

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Great Maju Garzett

Hydrogeddon X3

Sand Moth


Asura Priest

Exarion Universe

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

Spirit Reaper

Zombyra the Dark X2


Berserk Gorilla

Gravekeeper's Guard

Luster Dragon


10 Spells:

Nobleman of Extermination

Fissure X2

Snatch Steal

Lightning Vortex

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade


Mystical Space Typhoon

Premature Burial


10 Traps:

Call of the Haunted

Sakuretsu Armor X2

Mirror Force

Drop Off

Trap Hole

Horn of Heaven

Magic Jammer

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Robbin' Goblin

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing that's bugging me. You're running an Extermination and some of the most popular traps played >.<; I want to cry at the fact that I see a Mirror Force in this deck. Ohhh I want to help, I do :( We could just start by saying what's your favourite type of monster? That might help us start somewhere, but there's nothing going for this deck at the moment, sorry.

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