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a new deck of mine


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i made a new deck from he new cards in the new pack and i wanted to see if any one had any good cards to put in and take out feel free to help




x2 Mind Master

x3 Psychic Commander

x3 Mind Protector

x3 Psychic Snail

x3 Krebons

x2 Destructotron

x2 Doctor Cranium

x2 The Tricky

x1 Grapple Blocker

x1 Telekinetic Shocker




x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x2 Inferno Recless Summon

x3 Emergency Teleport

x1 Premature Burial

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Monster Reborn

X1 Pot of Avarice



x3 Telipathic Power

x3 Psychic Rejuvination

x2 Mind Over Matter




x3 Magical Android

x3 Thought Ruler Archfiend

x2 Stardust Dragon

x2 Goyou Guardian

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